Re: [GF 3.1] EJB securisation with username_password

From: <>
Date: Sun, 1 May 2011 02:20:20 -0500 (CDT)


Thanks for taking the time to answer me. I've followed your instructions
concerning as-context and sas-context, and i've run into different
exceptions. But before i go into the details of what happened, your answer
raises further questions. I am trying to identify the IS calling the EJB; if
using the sas-context is the way to address that problem, how come that it
doesn't require us to specify a realm ? when i read username/password, i
(wrongly?) figured out that the IS would pass the username+password
parameters to the EJB host and leave it responsible for accepting of
refusing them. 

I followed your instructions (i removed the as-context) and i got at first
two exceptions:

first the web container sent me a failed login exception, which i have been
able to remove by creating my "user" in the file realm of my web
container... That is even more confusing to me, because it reinforces my
understanding that only specifying a sas-context lets the webcontainer in
charge of authenticating the user... which in my case is not acceptable, as
the web container IS the user i want to authenticate.

second of all, i am getting a 'client not authorized + CORBA_NO_PERMISSION '
exception afterwards.

[Message sent by forum member 'brzhk']
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