Hello community
I`m new to jee world. I work on jca1.6 connector and have some problem. Here
is the problem: I have mycja.rar which consists of: META-INF/ra.xml ra.jar
And I wrote sample webapp which uses myjca, it consists of: META-INF
WEB-INF/classes WEB-INF/lib/*client.jar* WEB-INF/(xmls here) (web pages here)
Both myjca.rar and webapp.war are deployed to glassfish 3.1. And there
is such a code in the webapp class: ... 1 jndiContext = new
InitialContext(); 2 MmlConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
(MmlConnectionFactory) jndiContext.lookup("jca/MmlConnector"); 3
MmlConnection connection = connectionFactory.getConnection(); 4
connection.connect(); 5//some stuff here 6 connection.close(); ...
But when it gets MmlConnectionFactory, line 2, there an exception:
mml.connection.impl./MmlConnectionFactoryImpl/ cannot be cast to
where /MmlConnectionFactoryImpl /implements /MmlConnectionFactory./
MmlConnectionFactoryImpl is places in the ra.jar and MmlConnectionFactory is
places in the client.jar But if I go another way and package connector and
webapp without client.jar, and client.jar i put into the
glassfish/domain/domain1/lib it works fine. Where am I wrong? Any
[Message sent by forum member 'gavaec']
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