Glassfish error SEC1105 (PasswordCredential was required but not provided) in

From: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 04:49:09 -0500 (CDT)

 Hello   I've managed to get a Java EE6 web application I've been
developing to authenticate with my company's active directory setup. My app
is running on Glassfish 3.1 and I have followed these instructions to get it
set up and working: [1]
  My problem is that although authentication is fine in BASIC mode, when I
try and change the auth-type in my web.xml file to DIGEST my web application
no longer works. I still get the browser asking for a username and password,
and I enter the same user/pass combo that works in BASIC mode, but for some
reason I get the following exception:   *SEVERE: SEC1105: A
PasswordCredential was required but not provided.* *INFO: SEC5046: Audit:
Authentication refused for [username].* *WARNING: Web login failed: Login
failed: No credentials.*   However
I am entering a password so I'm not sure why it isn't being passed through.
I've read a bit about a property named "digest-algorithm". After I had seen
this I did try adding the following property to my domain.xml   *<property
name="digest-algorithm" value="MD5" />*   However it didn't make any
difference. My company is using active directory 2003 and although basic
authentication would probably be acceptable (it is an intranet only
application) I'd prefer to use Digest if possible.   Any ideas on how I can
get the DIGEST authentication mode working?    


[Message sent by forum member 'JohnHailey']
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