GF3.1: problem with app that needs RESTeasy. Help!

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 16:53:46 -0500 (CDT)

 Ok, I'm wanting to use Glassfish 3.1 to host Bonitasoft's Bonita Open
Solution (BOS) 5.4.1.

I am finding that there is an issue with BOS, in that it appears to have used
some RESTeasy specific functionality, and so, can not live without it.

However, it appears that perhaps the GF 3.1 admin app is also dependant on
JAX-RS (whether it's because of needing some custom functionality, or,
because RESTeasy does not provide what it should - I have not determined as
yet) in some way - if I disable jersey and use only RESTeasy as the REST

so: here is the question:

what is the trick I need to employ to enable GF 3.1 to nominally use Jersey,
but make the BOS app use the RESTeasy implementation it wants to use?

I am hoping that with OSGI and/or HK2 that there is away to define things so
that BOS sees the RESTeasy implementation of REST, while everything else sees
Jersey's implementation.

am I barking up the wrong tree?  If so, which tree should I be barking up?

I'm a newby at OSGI, so please be gentle!

thanks in advance!


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