Glassfish V3.1 boots app 1from vs1 when I deploy app2 to vs2

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 10:00:36 -0500 (CDT)


I have glassfish V3.1 deployed. On that service I use the server virtual
server (vs) for most of my projects. I have also deployed two virtual
servers (vs1 and vs2) to handle apps with a root context path. These vs's
have different ports.

When I deploy app1 onto vs1, vs2 kicks app2. The app is still registered but
instead of getting the app I get the glassfish landing page. When I deploy
app2 again onto vs2 then app1 is kicked off vs2. This is driving me nuts!
During these deploys the admin console seems to get kicked too. When I
restart the server all the apps are deployed and working 100%. As you can
imagine this is less than ideal.

I have installed update tool and run updates. I have tested on two servers
but am getting the same results.

Any info/ideas? I'm pretty desperate.


[Message sent by forum member 'waynetg']
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