Glassfish 3.1 Cerificate Login from standalone client fails with

From: <>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 17:58:19 -0500 (CDT)

We are using a standalone client to connect to Glassfish 3.1 (release version
under linux )

If we try and connect from our standalone client using certificate
authentication it all works fine.

When we try and add a AppservCertificateLoginModule to perform authorisation
based on the certificate then it fails with an *iiop.login_exception*. Turing
on finer logging we get a Certificate Credential
Found from
The same AppservCertificateLoginModule works when we connect via a JSP page
it is only an iiop connect that fails.

When it fails, it enters our constructor OK but never calls our

This appears to be a bug with iiop which seems to be the poor cousin these
days in Glassfish. We are trying to move from Glassfish 2 but this is a
blocker for us.


Our login module is currently simple eg

public class TestCertificateLoginModule extends AppservCertificateLoginModule
{ public TestCertificateLoginModule() { super()"Constructor");
} @Override protected void authenticateUser() throws LoginException {"authenticate"); String[] groupArray={"ADMIN"};
commitUserAuthentication(groupArray); return; } }
We set this up by this adding to our login.conf

certRealm:{ test.TestCertificateLoginModule requlogLevel="FINE"; }
  We made glassfish use this by running

asadmin set
We are using a simple Stateless session eg

@Stateless @DeclareRoles("ADMIN") @AllowRoles("ADMIN") public class
TestStateless implements TestStatelessRemote { @Override public String
hello() { return "hello"; } }
our sun-ejb-jar.xml contains

<enterprise-beans> <security-role-mapping> <role-name>ADMIN</role-name>
<group_name>ADMIN</group-name> </security-role-mapping> <ejb>
<ejb-name>TestStateless</ejb-name> <jndi-name>TestStateless</jndi-name>
<ior-security-config> <transport-config> <integrity>required</integrity>
</transport-config> <sas-context>
<caller-propagation>supported<caller-propagation> </sas-context>
 Our client code contains

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); TestSessionRemote t =
(TestSessionRemote)ic.lookup("TestSession"); t.hello();

[Message sent by forum member 'james100']
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