Re: Setting AcknowledgeMode on a Session (Direct)

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:22:33 +0000


On 23/03/2011 15:05, Robert Weeks wrote:
> Hello again -
> Thanks again for the information - but I am still curious on this.
> In most of the GlassFish 3 books and using JMS within GlassFish 3 - there are references to using client ack without the information below - although not within MDB's of course. Sort of confusing - but the information below corresponds with what I am seeing.

Can you give any references to books etc that suggest differently? I'd be interested to see how they interpret the spec.

> Our app has OSGi bundles that utilize JMS for communicating, and we need to be able to keep a message on the queue if we can't process it immediately - thus the need for client ack.
> With this in mind, I then attempted to make the JMS resource remote so I can connect to it like a standalone within the bundle - but I need to have imq.jar to be available/exportable in felix. I wrapped imq.jar as a bundle just to get working - but curious if there was a way to have the imq classes resolvable to osgi bundles?
> I really don't want to go this course, would rather have it embedded and controlled in the container, but the need for holding onto a message until we ack is a requirement for this app.

I don't completely follow what you are trying to do, but, no, MQ isn't bundled as an osgi module.


> Thanks!
> Robert Weeks
> Senior Software Developer
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> ________________________________________
> From: Nigel Deakin []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 8:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Setting AcknowledgeMode on a Session (Direct)
> Good question. The reason for this behaviour is that the arguments to createSession() are handled differently in a Java
> EE environment than in a simple JMS client.
> Please look at the EJB 3.1 Spec, section 13.3.5 "Use of JMS APIs in Transactions" (which also applies to web applications):
> This states: "Because the container manages the transactional enlistment of JMS sessions on behalf of a bean, the
> parameters of the createSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode), createQueueSession(boolean transacted, int
> acknowledgeMode) and createTopicSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) methods are ignored. It is recommended
> that the Bean Provider specify that a session is transacted, but provide 0 for the value of the acknowledgment mode."
> It continues: "The Bean Provider should not use the JMS acknowledge method either within a transaction or within an
> unspecified transaction context. Message acknowledgment in an unspecified transaction context is handled by the container."
> So client acknowledgement is not allowed. Because of this the argument Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE is ignored. If there's
> no transaction then the message will be automatically acknowleged (AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE), or if there a transaction then the
> message will be acknowledged when the transaction is committed.
> Nigel
> On 22/03/2011 20:10, Robert Weeks wrote:
>> Hello -
>> Using GF3.1, when trying to set an AcknowledgeMode on a session, it never seems to stick.
>> I am pulling a ConnectionFactory from jndi for us:
>> create-jms-resource --restype javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory --description "QueueConnectionFactory" jms/ExtQueueConnectionFactory
>> When I get this back - it reports as: com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.DirectConnectionFactory
>> Then - trying to create a session with CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE and then immediately testing it:
>> Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
>> This results in the object:
>> >> SESSION: com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.DirectTransactionManagedSession_at_967e07
>> Checking transacted (log.error(">> Are we transacted? " + session.getTransacted())) we get:
>> >> Are we transacted? false
>> Then immediately trying to get what the acknowledgeMode is on the session we just created:
>> session.getAcknowledgeMode(): 1 (AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
>> If I write an app and connect to the message queue non-direct (via mq://, this works fine - but that is not returning the DirectConnectionFactory nor the DirectConnection - and the session is slightly different too.
>> It appears that the session is not transacted (which is right) - but I cannot get the setting of the ack mode to be correct here.
>> Is there something I am missing?
>> Thanks for any information.