Re: Installing jersey into glassfish v2.1

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 11:31:37 -0700 (PDT)

While there is no way to run updatecenter client integrated into GlassFish 2.x in command line or silent mode, I think you should be able to use command line tool such as wget to directly access jersey module URL and download the module archive file and then you'll need to take care of extracting the actual module content, which can be done using unzip.

The correct URL for Jersey 1.1.4 would be

Once you download the nbm file and unzip it, you should get module/ file. then needs to be unzipped into your GlassFish installation directory and that will give you Jersey content in jersey subdirectory.

Hope this helps - in case anyone else needs to do something similar and runs into this thread, all GlassFish v2 updatecenter content is referenced at:
but in case of some other modules installation is more convoluted since it involves using GlassFish v2 addon mechanism.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 7:02:56 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Installing jersey into glassfish v2.1

(sent from wrong email address, so I'm sorry if this appears twice)

Short question, is there an easy way to install jersey into glassfish
v2.1 without using updatecenter? or with parameter usage of updatecenter
so it not tried to present any gui?

Problem I have is that I have no GUI on the server I have glassfish on,
so running the updatecenter with a gui is not possible.

also I would like to have this automated in my install script, so
surfing to glassfish admin page and use the updatecenter tooll in there
is also not possible..

/Christian Andersson