Re: IIOP SSL_AUTH SSL_MUTUALAUTH not binding to IP Opensource v3.1

From: Edward Bratt <>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 10:47:13 -0700
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-- Ed

on 3/15/2011 9:01 AM parker BARRY said the following:
I have tried to assign the IIOP listener ports for  SSL_AUTH and SSL_MUTUALAUTH to an IP address but the ports always bind to all the ports on the server.

I am trying to get all of the listening ports to listen on a VIP so we have the availability to run more than one glassfish domain on a single server.
With version 3.01 this seemed to work fine changing the domain.xml binding to an ip rather than changing localhost entries to the dns of our ip.

When I do this in v3.1 we can not remotely connect to the ejbs from our tomcat applications and we get a timeout error.

The only way I can get this to work is to get the IIOP listeners to bind to

Perhaps I have not set this up correctly?

Any help would be greatly appreciated?



Cheers, Ed

Ed Bratt | Senior Software Development Manager
Phone: +1 408 2764170 | Fax: +1 408 2767191 | Skype ID: edbratt
Oracle GlassFish Server
4220 Network Circle | MS USCA22-102 | Santa Clara, CA 95054

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