Re: embedded ejb container - configured datasource visibility problems

From: Phillip Ross <>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 00:01:39 -0500

Actually, I did try the default datasource since there is mention of it in
the 3.1 embedded documentation, but when I try to look it up, I get derby
errors... most likely because derby is not in the classpath but havent
verified that. I'm using postresql and those jdbc drivers are definitely in
the classpath. I did have some thoughts about attempting to point the
defined default datasource at the postgresql connection pool and see if that
has any interesting effect, but figured that it might break something else
that relies on the default datasource and derby being in place. I guess
I'll try that next to see what happens just to get the datapoint. I'll let
you know what happens.

- Phillip

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 10:41 PM, Marina Vatkina

> Hi Phillip,
> Does it work if you use jdbc/__default (or comment out the jts-data-source
> in persistence.xml)? May be the database driver is not in the classpath?
> -marina
> Phillip Ross wrote:
>> Hi Marina, thanks for your response.
>> I did make sure the names were the same. When this was all initially
>> working against 3.0.1 I was just using a name such as "jdbc/test_ds" which
>> uses no global naming syntax or anything. The persistence.xml used this
>> name as well. With 3.0.1 I was also able to programmatically get a
>> reference to the datasource by obtaining a context from the ejb container
>> reference and doing a lookup.
>> When working against 3.1, I initially tried without any prefixes but was
>> not able to do a programatic lookup nor have persistence.xml find the
>> datasource. If I remove the persistence.xml I'm NOT able to find the
>> datasource with a lookup.
>> The database is definitely up and running. In searching for answers I
>> found two links on a java howto blog which both work:
>> They both work so I know database connectivity is at least possible,
>> though the examples are using application scoped resources which seem to not
>> work for me either :(
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:31 PM, Marina Vatkina <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>> Hi Phillip,
>> Did you try the name that you gave it in the jdbc-resource
>> definition, without any prefixes? Can you look up this resource in
>> your code if you remove persistence.xml? Is your database up and
>> running?
>> -marina
>> Phillip Ross wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been working on updating code bases from 3.0.1 to 3.1 and
>> am having problems getting the embedded ejb container to work
>> in unit tests. The existing code simple defines a domain.xml
>> that was sort of hacked from an existing 3.0.1 installation
>> which contained a connection pool and jdbc resource definition
>> of the database being tested against. This works great with
>> 3.0.1.
>> Now with 3.1 I took the domain.xml file that was referred to
>> in the 3.1 embedded documentation, added the jdbc connection
>> pool and resource definitions, but the datasource is not
>> found. When the createEJBContainer method is invoked, it
>> returns a null reference, and there are stack traces with
>> naming exceptions explaining that the datasource name which is
>> defined in the persistence.xml is not found. I tried various
>> naming schemes for the datasource such as using java:global,
>> java:app, and java:module prefixes, but none of those make a
>> difference. I also tried creating a glassfish-resources.xml
>> with the pool and datasource definitions in the META-INF dir
>> beside the persistence.xml and tried various naming schemes
>> for the datasource in there... but no luck. If I remove the
>> persistence.xml, I get a container reference that I can use to
>> get a jndi context and lookup the stateless ejbs, so I'm
>> fairly certain this is a datasource resolution issue. I
>> know the domain.xml file is being parsed, as other errors
>> are shown when I induce malformed xml elements in the file, it
>> just seems as if the datasource is not visible to the code.
>> Is there anything else I can do to narrow down the problem or
>> identify the issue? I'm out of ideas.
>> Thanks
>> - Phillip