Coincidence? -server option required to use more than one CPU on Windows?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 12:33:02 -0400

I wanted to see if someone could quickly tell me whether the JVM -server
option is required to get a typical Glassfish deployment to use multiple
CPUs on a multi-CPU Windows box, or whether I am just seeing a bottleneck
uncork itself.

Background: was seeing performance issues on a Glassfish 3.1 final
deployment. It had the -client option. I changed the -client option to
-server and restarted. When I did this, the process monitor showed that the
Java process was now (apparently) spreading its load around all four CPUs.
Prior to this change the Java process looked like it was "pinned" to one of
the CPUs (reporting a CPU usage of 25%).
