Bean Validation, JSF and stuff

From: Markus Eisele <>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 13:11:37 +0100


I was wondering if somebody has an idea what's exactly going wrong here.
I'm playing around with Bean Validation and JSF 2.0 these days and I have a
very basic domain object (Person) with name and surname. Both attributes
bean validation contraints ( @Size(min = 3, message = "Please provide a
surname > 3 char")).
Works fine, bound to a simple <h:form> via a PersonController (complete
example attached).
But I found a few things, I would like to have some comments on:

1) I implemented a simple ValidPerson constraint which simply always returns
false in it's isValid method.
If I attach this constraint to my PersonController.person it's simply never
Am I missing any kind of configuration?

2) Trying to resolve this, I found a post about the need to set a JSF

Enabling this in the web.xml seems to cause the @Size constraints being no
longer evaluated. I had to add an additional
@NotNull constraint to check it. It's clear to me, that the @Size can't
check for the "real Size" of an Object but it should
make the assumption, that if null is given as the object it will never have
a Size of anything :)

Thanks for comments and ideas,