JPA failure with gfv301 and the Petstore2EA5 sample from Sun Java Blueprints

From: emiddio-frontier <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 13:16:41 -0800

the following code fragment when invoked in the application does not get
any JPA exceptions,
but always reports em.contains(item) as false;

when i use the same Entity classes in a standalone POJO app using JPA,
anytime an Item instance is persisted by em.persist(item)
i always get back from em.contains(item) the value true;

the item does get put into the derby database; but the PKey field stays null
in the local copy;

I am new to JPA -- so trying to understand what the problem is and where;

this code is from the Sun's Java Blueprints Petstore 2 EA5 Sample,
int, method AddItem(Item item).

code fragment -----


             for (Tag tag : item.getTags()) {

             System.out.println("contains ni : " + em.contains(item));
--get false
             System.out.println(item.getItemID()); --get null --
autogenerated PK
             System.out.println("contains ni : " + em.contains(item));
-- get false
             System.out.println(item.getItemID()); -- get null
             System.out.println("contains ni : " + em.contains(item));
-- get false
             System.out.println(item.getItemID()); -- get null
             System.out.println("contains ni : " + em.contains(item));
-- get false