Problem in Glassfish deploy. JNDI names leak?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 06:28:49 -0700

When I deploy the EAR of my app in Glassfish and an exception occurs in the
process of the deploying, the application server do not deploys the
application because of the exception. It is OK. But in some exceptions, that
cause the application to not be deployed, the JNDI names of the EJBs of the
application remains. And after the exception, I can see through the command
"asadmin list-jndi-entries" that the JNDI names of EJBs of my application are
there, without any application deployed. An example is when I deploy the
application that connects to an database server that is not started. The
deploy fails, but JNDI names remains.

This is a bug?

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