Glassfish 3.1 cygwin create-node-ssh problem

From: <>
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 09:04:28 -0800

I am trying to create an ssh node through cygwin on the DAS Windows machine.
I followed the SSH Setup to the tee and it all seemed to be working just

Now, I am following your guidance for creating the node on:

While I realize that these instructions have only Unix commands, since I am
running Cygwin, it should be very similar. Basically, when I run the
following command in Glassfish's bin directory:

*./asadmin create-node-ssh --nodehost <nodehostname> remote_node*

What happens is that Glassfish is looking by default in ~/id_dsa, which is
exactly where the .ssh file was set up. The problem is that Cygwin considers
~ to be the current directory, so normally it would be /home, but since I am
currently in the glassfish directory, it thinks ~ is the current directory
and looks here for te .ssh folder and cannot find it, and throws an error:

"Could not authenticate. No key or password specified - trying default keys

Tried to authenticate using id_dsa

Command create-node-ssh failed."

So, I tried to specify the sshkeyfile so that it looks in the right
directory. The right directory is /home/, so I specify this:

*./asadmin create-node-ssh --nodehost <nodehostname> --sshkeyfile
/home/.ssh/id_dsa remote_node*

Now I get an error that

"Key file path \home\.ssh\id_dsa must be an absolute path.

Command create-node-ssh failed."

This /is /the absolute path, according to cygwin's "pwd" command. I also
tried substituting the $HOME variable in here, which is also correct, with
the same result.


So then I also tried doing all of this /in/ the ~ directory:

*/cygdrive/c/glassfish3/bin/asadmin create-node-ssh --nodehost <nodehostname>

And I get the error: "Unable to access jarfile

Any ideas for things to try or fixes to these? I feel like I have tried
pretty much everything..

[Message sent by forum member 'turtletsg']
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