Oracle User Proxy on a database connection?

From: Gregory Gerard <>
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2010 17:11:21 -0700

I'd like to use proxy users as described here:

This seems to solve my problem of not having strong database auditing and row-level / column-level permissions -- I'm paying for Oracle, why not leverage the database to the fullest extent assuming no concern for lock-in.

So what does this look like in JEE6/GlassFish 3.x and JPA2? This discusses JPA2 but I need to know what the ramifications are with GlassFish and EJB 3.1 SessionBeans -- will they work or am I just hosed?

It seems like I cannot use JTA transactions. :(

What else isn't going to work? Seems like a lot of this should be in appservers -- the feature has been around in Oracle for 6+ years now but the information about it sparse (and a lot of searches are bad because of the generic term "proxy")

Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope.
