Gf 3.01 ejb3.0 class path problem?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 11:31:44 PDT

I have been porting an ear application from glassfish v2.1.1 to glassfish 3.0.0.
I seem to be stuck on one last issue. I've been playing around with it for about a week now.

I have a 3.0 ejb that calls a lib (packaged in the ear lib dir). The library tries to resolve a pojo reference back into the ejb module (via Class.forName). That 's where I get ClassNotFoundException errors.

The code works inside an app-client and the gfv2.1.1 3.0 ejb. If I move the pojo out of the ejb-module and into the lib. It cannot resolve an ejb reference (at runtime) the pojo uses. It's like the ejb classpath does not have itself in the search path.

I've tried moving the pojo in the ejb-module around to no avail. I've also tried to move the ejb-module into the lib dir (bad idea).

Any ideas?

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