Re: [Glassfish embedded] Problem with JPA2 entities in jar in a war

From: <>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 00:13:18 PDT

> EJBContainer.MODULES denotes an EJB module, and JPA
> entities do not constitute an EJB module.

In a previous answer, I read "[i]and the jpa2 entities are loaded from a jar inside simple-0.1-SNAPSHOT-LOCAL.war[/i]". If I understand you correctly, this would mean that the WAR contains more than just the JPA2 entities but also for instance an EJB module. Could this be confirmed ?

How can I configure Glassfish such that in my unit tests, the JPA2 entities are loaded from the provided JAR ?
[Message sent by forum member 'stlecho']