EJB Injection in GF 3 embedded

From: <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 06:26:32 PDT

Dear all,

Could somebody help with the following problem.

I've set of Session beans which are perfectly working in embedded mode , i'm using it for running Junit test suites.

But there is one Session bean with ejb injection , it includes three other session beans.

@EJB (beanName="PacketInBeanRemote ")
PacketInBeanRemote smsgw;
@EJB (beanName="SecBeanRemote")
SecBeanRemote msg348mgr;
@EJB (beanName="CardManagerBeanRemote")
CardManagerBeanRemote cardMgr;

When this EJB is being deployed , i've got NameNotFoundException

...Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException : #org.ejb.CardManagerBeanRemote not found

During normal deployment as EAR all works fine.

Does anybody has experience , what it may happens ?

Thanks in advance !
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