GF v3 - Revocation no working as expected

From: <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 11:51:43 PDT

Kumar or anyone,

I have ...

2-way SSL setup with CA's in my trust store (cacerts.jks)
a single CRL from the CA in the trust store
6 Certs (3 good, 2 revoked, 1 expired) from the CA in the trust model loaded into my browser

What happens when I present my certs ...
Good - as expected - they work page displayed
Expired - as expected - the page is NOT displayed (certpath processing fails on
SEVERE: certpath: -Using checker5 ... []
SEVERE: certpath: ---checking timestamp:...

And the problem is ...
Revoked - should fail in certpath: -Using checker6, but it is successful. Processing shows the cert is found in the CRL however the process returns success & then the page is displayed.

---- Partial server.log ----

SEVERE: certpath: -checker5 validation succeeded
SEVERE: certpath: -Using checker6 ... []
SEVERE: certpath: CrlRevocationChecker.verifyRevocationStatus() ---checking revocation status...
SEVERE: certpath: CrlRevocationChecker.verifyRevocationStatus() crls.size() = 1
SEVERE: certpath: CRLRevocationChecker.verifyPossibleCRLs: Checking CRLDPs for CN=User7 John John.User7, OU=TEST, O=xxxxxxxxxx, C=xx
SEVERE: certpath: CrlRevocationChecker.verifyRevocationStatus() approved crls.size() = 1
SEVERE: certpath: starting the final sweep...
SEVERE: certpath: CrlRevocationChecker.verifyRevocationStatus cert SN: 4098350723398757786823434502144507443043719918241735943196832223568800273443972745730
SEVERE: certpath: CrlRevocationChecker.verifyRevocationStatus CRL entry: SerialNumber: [ 021c11ff a5298740 2ff8fdd5 c09f5d2a 46621183 4ea8a316 031e0419 6f480202
    026c8a02] On: Thu May 20 08:46:12 EDT 2010
    CRL Entry Extensions: 1
    [1]: ObjectId: Criticality=false
    Reason Code: Remove from CRL

SEVERE: certpath: -checker6 validation succeeded
SEVERE: certpath: checking for unresolvedCritExts
SEVERE: certpath:
cert1 validation succeeded.

SEVERE: certpath: Cert path validation succeeded. (PKIX validation algorithm)
SEVERE: certpath: --------------------------------------------------------------

---- Partial server.log ----

Isn't GF, the server, supposed to trap and throw out revoked certs?

BTW, I'm not running any code. This is the default ssl on port 8181 and the default GF web page.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. (I'll let you write the white paper ;) )

[Message sent by forum member 'eliscinsky']