Question about wsgen and glassfish and -inlineSchemas

From: Mark Paulus <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 14:46:18 -0600

Hello all,


I'm trying to wrap my head around this, and having a tough time,

so I'm asking for some help.


I have glassfish 3.0.1 deployed on a Sun Sparc server, and an

ear file that I build using Netbeans 6.9.1. All that works just fine.


Here's where I'm struggling. Due to constraints imposed by

some corporate tools, I need to be able to generate one file

wsdls (embedded schemas). I see that the newest version of

wsgen included with Metro 2.2.1 can do this with the

-inlineSchemas flag. That's grand. And I see that glassfish 3.0.1

comes with wsgen 2.2.1. That's even grander...




There actually seem to be 2 version of wsgen included with

glassfish 3.0.1. $AS_INSTALL/jdk/bin/wsgen is a binary, and

is of version 2.1.6 - no -inlineSchemas support.

$AS_INSTALL/glassfish/bin/wsgen is a script file, and is of version



So, when glassfish is called upon to provide a wsdl, which

wsgen is called? Or are the wsdl/xsd files created at .ear build

time and merely deployed (I find this hard to believe, as I can't find

them using "find . -name '*.xsd'"). How can I convince

glassfish to use the -inlineSchemas file so that the wsdl that is

generated is a complete wsdl, with no imports?

