deploying simple ejb jar

From: <>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 07:54:54 PDT

Hallo I have a jar file wich only contains Stateless Session Beans with Local interfaces.
All ejbs are annotated with @Stateless, their Interfaces with @Local
I have no deployment descriptor.
In JBoss 6 this jar will be deployed.
However when I try to deploy it to Glassfish V3 I get the exception (from the server log:)

[#|2010-10-19T16:22:38.857+0200|SEVERE|glassfishv3.0||_ThreadID=24;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Exception while deploying the app
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid ejb jar [Berechnung]: it contains zero ejb.
1. A valid ejb jar requires at least one session, entity (1.x/2.x style), or message-driven bean.
2. EJB3+ entity beans (@Entity) are POJOs and please package them as library jar.
3. If the jar file contains valid EJBs which are annotated with EJB component level annotations (@Stateless, @Stateful, @MessageDriven, @Singleton), please check server.log to see whether the annotations were processed properly.
        at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.EjbBundleValidator.accept(

Does Glassfish require a deployment descriptor? Or what else might be going on here?

Thanks for any help,

[Message sent by forum member 'hmrupp']