Expert help needed configuring GlassFish v3 for Secure EJB IIOP calls

From: <>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:41:29 PDT

I have 2 GlassFish v3 servers running, one is the Servlet/JSP server, the other is the EJB server. I can successfully use @Remote on the EJB server to define a remote EJB. I can also successfully use a combination of @EJB and sun-web.xml on the Servlet/JSP server to call the remote EJB over port 3700 non-securely.

Now, [b]I want to use the SSL_MUTUALAUTH ORB IIOP Listener on port 3920 to make my remote EJB calls secure from my Servlet/JSP server to my EJB server.[/b]

Has anyone done this?

Where can I find documentation for configuring the Servlet/JSP server application?

Where can I find documentation for configuring the EJB server beans?
[Message sent by forum member 'mjremijan']