Re: Glassfish v3: Trying to create a Hibernate based JPA application

From: <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 09:14:44 PDT

Hi Nicolás,

Did you ever succeed in deploying an archive containing the sun-resources.xml file? I am using GFv3.0b74 and have a WAR file which has my sun-resources.xml file in the WEB-INF\classes\META-INF directory. It defines a jdbc-resource and jdbc-conntection-pool. When I deploy this WAR the resources are not created. If I feed the sun-resources.xml file to asadmin add-resources it works fine.



> Already tried that.
> Besides, I thought that having jdbc-resource and
> jdbc-connection-pool
> elements sun-resources.xml made Glassfish create the
> resources on
> deployment. At least that worked in v2... has that
> changed?
> Thanks!
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