How to connect to embedded JMS from external client?

From: <>
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 05:37:26 PDT

Dear all,

for my first JMS application, as supplied in the book "Java Message Service", I did install Apache ActiveMQ for testing. The simple test app is a chat, which works with ActiveMQ.

Now I would like to connect to the embedded MQ (i think it is OpenMQ?) shipped with GlassFish 3.0.1. In order to do so, this standalone application now includes a Maven dependency to gf-client.

However, I have no clue what classname and JNDI properties to supply in; I am not sure if this is needed for GlassFish.

The InitialContext is defined as follows:

// Obtain a JNDI connection using the file
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

// Look up a JMS connection factory
TopicConnectionFactory cf = (TopicConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("jms");

How do i configure the InitialContext to fetch the TopicConnectionFactory from a remote GlassFish?

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