Re: SEVERE: Linked policy contexts have different roleToSubjectMaps

From: <>
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 16:38:26 PDT

Since deploying my WAR alone (without the EAR) works fine and I see the correct role mappings (as declared in my sun-web.xml) when debugging through PolicyConfigurationImpl, I'm now sure that it is a GF bug.

I thus wanted to open an issue and saw that just a few days ago, someone else already opened this issue:

Well, since it says there that it might be related to my EJB being deployed inside my EAR's lib/, I have tried to get it running by separating the two - EJB-class in one, interfaces in the other - and it works fine, now! Yabbadabbadoo!!! :-)

Separating these classes makes things definitely not easier - we'll have 50% more JARs this way - and they're already numerous :-( But even though it's not perfect, I'm nevertheless extremely glad that I finally got it running.

Btw. the redeclaration of roles that I complained about before is *not* necessary! I removed all the sun-*.xml files (except for the EJB-JAR's which is required for assigning the realm to the EJB) and all works fine (I have activate-default-principal-to-role-mapping="true"). The only place where roles occur now is in my annotations - just like it should be ;-)

I'll add a comment to issue 13772 and hope it is fixed soon.

Best regards, Marco :-)
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