Re: Calling all users of Java Web Start support for app clients in GlassFish

From: <>
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 07:49:42 PDT


Java Web Start. That is, the starting point has been an app client-centric approach. We have seen steady [b](although not huge) [/b]usage of this feature, judging from forum traffic, with that model. We have not seen requests for the web app-centric model, which could be either because no demand exists or because the demand that does exist is invisible to us.

I am so, so, satfisfied with glassfish JWS app clients:

-My fully featured JEE6 app client starts now in 7 seconds, after showing a nice splash screen.
-It automatically creates a desktop and start menu shortcuts when i run it for the first time.
-In orther to deploy it to the users I just have to send them a URL via email.
-It gets updated automatically every time I deploy the new version to the server.
-And best of all, the whole build and deploy process is cross platform. (now also including native libraries)

Now, can someone give a reson to keep on doing enterprise applications in "web page" format. The more i do JWS enterprise app clients, the more reluctant i get towards web applications.

I just need someone to give me a hello world app client in JavaFX and that will just make it the J day.

Just that i feel a bit anxious when i see you writing 'not hughe adoption' Every time I show it to someone at work, they get impressed.

Now, moving forward, I know you are very awayre but just once more: Reduce the number of jars initially downloaded (jsf-impl.jar, seems kinda funny in the JWS cache viewer). If we managed to do this, app clients could easily go from being manily used in internal enterprise applications to be exposed to all internet users.

I just realised that looking up EJB references through JNDI is a lot quicker than looking them up trhough dependency injection. This "discovery" has just made my life much better but I think would be good to review the way the ACC injects EJB references. I look up all my remote EJBs with the same javax.naming.InitialContex. Is this what the acc does as well.

Looking up 6 remote EJBS has gone from around 12 seconds with Dep. Inject in the main class to 2.5 seconds (simply adding the corresponfing entries to app-client.xml and doing jndi lookup)

Tim, you might not see as many users in the forum asking questions around JWS... maybe because GF developers are open source developers and often freelancers or small businesses and as you probably now, freelancers or small businesses are probably less keen to spend a few hours posting their impressions on the forum... But it IS just fantastic to knock off a distributed fully featured JEE swing based application with a few clicks in netbeans.

Good work.
[Message sent by forum member 'pablopina']