Weird issues involving Glassfish 3 and Database connection pools. Whats up?

From: <>
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2010 21:23:22 PDT

Scenario: I'm following the NetBeans tutorial where you create the site for the Affable Bean. I'm up to the part where you have to connect to the MySQL database. Well, I created the sun-resources.xml file correctly (Attached)

So, I deploy like usual from NB. Then I visit the Glassfish admin panel.
Look everywhere in the JDBC category, nothing even related to AffableBean.

Tried creating it manually. This time it threw up a weird errror that I'm not going to reproduce because it's a hassle. Somewhere along the lines of "Exception: something.jdbc2.something.something: Classpath not set for something"

So, naturally, I google it. Somewhere I read, that you should put the MySQL connecter .jar in the domain1/lib/ext folder. So I did.

That makes GlassFish completely crash in half, even if you remove it.
Like, you cannot start or shutdown the server. Your only option is to reboot and reinstall.

I am at a TOTAL loss, but I'd like to keep working on this tutorial. What do I do?
[Message sent by forum member 'arkaniad']