Re: PasswordLoginModule deprecated in trunk?

From: V B Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 11:21:56 +0500

This has been deprecated since long. I have corrected the javadoc error the classname is AppservPasswordLoginModule.


> Hi,
> I'm trying to update a bit old code for a PasswordLoginModule subclass,
> but I found it in the JavaDoc, that the PasswordLoginModule class is
> going to be deprecated, and in fact in GFv3 trunk it is already deprecated.
> The JavaDoc says this:
> /**
> * Abstract base class for password-based login modules.
> * Newer implementations should extend
> * This class is
> provided for
> * backward compatibility and is a candidate for deprecation.
> *
> */
> This is really nice, but where the heck is this AbstractLoginModule
> class? I've grepped on it in v3 trunk and couldn't find it there either
> nor in the 3.0.1 modules folder. Any hint on this? What is the reason
> behind deprecating the PasswordLoginModule class? If I reimplement it
> as
> an AppservPasswordLoginModule subclass (which is not deprecated), what
> difference would I see against the probably non-existing
> AbstractLoginModule?
> //if it's now deprecated, when will this be removed from the sourcebase?
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Peter