Start Glassfish from command line the same way that NetBeans does

From: <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2010 05:42:51 PDT

I'm a newbee, so excuse me if question is stupid. :)

I would like to start the glassfish from command line the same way as NetBeans does.

When I deploy my web service application from NetBeans, everithing works fine, but when I try to deploy it form command line, I get server error 500, because the system cannot find the wsdl file.
I think that the error is in the way I start glassfish, because I noticed this:
1. I start the glassfish with [b]asadmin start-domain[/b]
2. I deploy the application with [b]asadmin deploy path/MyApplication.war[/b]
3. Try to access the web service tester - i get server error 500
4. I start the NetBeans, and restart the glassfish server from within the netbeans (only that, and nothing else), and atferwards, everything works fine.

So, I would like to start the glassfish the same way as NetBeans does, because I think that will help my application to run without netbeans.

I'm using Ubuntu Linux 10.04 and Glasfish 3.01-b20
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