CDI standard extensions: supported yet?

From: <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 14:46:50 PDT

I have an .ear file.

The .ear file contains an EJB module.

The EJB module contains a META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension file.

That file's first line names a class of mine that implements javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension.

The EJB module also contains an empty META-INF/beans.xml file.

My standard extension contains the following method (the this.beanManager reference is declared as @Inject private BeanManager beanManager;):
public void afterDeploymentValidation(@Observes final AfterDeploymentValidation event) {
    if (this.beanManager != null) {
      final Set<Bean<?>> beans = this.beanManager.getBeans(Foo.class);
      System.out.println("*** Beans: " + beans);
      if (beans != null && !beans.isEmpty()) {
        for (final Bean<?> bean : beans) {
          if (bean != null) {
            final Class<?> beanClass = bean.getBeanClass();
            System.out.println("*** Bean class: " + beanClass);
    } else {
      System.out.println("*** No bean manager injected");

It was my understanding that such a setup should cause my standard extension to be instantiated and run after successful deployment completes.

No message starting with "***" is ever output to the log.

Is there an obvious pilot error here, or have I somehow violated the CDI specification, or...? Should my META-INF/services file be at the .ear file root instead? How is this supposed to work?

I am using Glassfish 3.1 build 9.

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