Re: Why does Timer Service require Full Profile?

From: Dominik Dorn <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 21:10:42 +0200

Well, partly my fault, as I only began engaging with glassfish/javaee6 as it was
nearly final ( around late nov. 09 )

Please tell me as soon as it is possible again to provide feedback.

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 12:37 AM, Marina Vatkina
<> wrote:
> Unfortunately the alias listed in the spec currently bounces. We are sorting
> things out.
> BTW, there were several public review periods through the spec development
> time and inputs such as this were strongly encouraged :).
> Regards,
> -marina
> Dominik Dorn wrote:
>> Well, the real question to ask here is:
>> Why is the timer service not included in the web profile (spec)?
>> The same goes for JAX-RS.
>> IMO the web profile should provide the things most people need to build
>> a currently standard web (2.0) application and restful services and timed
>> executions definitely belong there.
>> I'm really wondering why the EGs haven't thought of this.
>> Where's the correct place to vote for inclusion of Jax-RS and EJB Timers
>> into the web profile?
>> Kind regards,
>> Dominik
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Dominik Dorn
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