Eclipse Helios release and GlassFish Application Server

From: Ludovic Champenois <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 08:19:40 -0700

Eclipse is doing its yearly big release today: Eclipse 3.6 Helios

You've been using the previous Eclipse 3.5 with its GlassFish Server
adapter? How can you use 3.6?
Well, first of all, the previous Update Site we used to host our plugin
is maintained for the Eclipse 3.5 version. But it will not work with
Eclipse 3.6.
Our GlassFish plugin binary is being moved to the Oracle Enterprise Pack
for Eclipse OEPE. This update site will be live in a few days...
Meanwhile, you can register the Update site for promoted builds of the
GlassFish server adapter for Eclipse 3.6:

Make sure after you register this update site to Eclipse 3.6, you click
on the check box called "Group Items by Category" to see the plugins.
We offer now 3 plugins:
1 for the GlassFish Servers (2.x, 3.0, 3.0.1 and nightly 3.1)
1 for the Java EE 5 javadoc (available in the Java Editor code
completion and the help menu)
1 for the Java EE 6 javadoc (available in the Java Editor code
completion and the help menu).
So you can either wait for the official release of Oracle OEPE (you can
track it at ),
or use for now our developer/early access update site.
For bugs, keep using