GlassFish 3, Stateless EJB Lite, JEE6, SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor

From: <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 19:34:49 PDT

I've got a [b]web application[/b] and we are using JEE 6. I've defined a Stateless EJB that I have also exposed as a web service with the following annotations.


The problem is that while the container recognizes the class as an EJB and a WebService, it seems that Spring is not being called and the rest of my classes initialization is never happening. I've defined a beanRefContext.xml file in the root of the classpath, which in turn loads the applicationContext.xml. But it seems that Spring is simply not being loaded. Am I overlooking something or isn't this possible with JEE 6 in a Web Container? Looking at the JEE docs it appears that Interceptors are supported, so I'm wondering why nothing is loading on the Spring side of things.

Thanks for the help..
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