Problem with context-root in URL

From: <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 00:59:18 PDT

Hi all.

I'm having some problems with the context-root. I have an EAR that contains a struts2 based WAR and some jars. On application.xml there is the following:

<application ...>

First of all i had in the context-root "/MyMod" and i have defined in Glassfish Virtual Server that WAR as "Default Web Module", it's suposed that defining that removes the context-root from the URL., and the result was the context-root showing in the URL when the app does a struts redirect.
I changed the context-root to "/" both in application.xml and sun-web.xml and now I see in the URL the name of the WAR ("MyModule").

Is there a way of setting the context-root to / easily?

The server is Glassfish v2.1.1 ((v2.1 Patch06)(9.1_02 Patch12)) (build b31g-fcs) and I build both WAR and EAR from Eclipse.

Thanks in advance.
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