Re: Glassfish 3.0.1 and Netbeans 6.9 - How to deploy to remote Server?

From: <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 00:25:30 PDT


cool, then I must definitely be doing something wrong.

What I use:
- Mac OS 10.6 with latest updates installed on my local machine
- Netbeans 6.9 + Glassfish 3.0.1 (local installation ==> works fine)
- Glassfish 3.0.1 Remote Server on Ubuntu Server (Hardy)
- Ubuntu Firewall is open
- Remote Port is 4848 and only accessable via https

Here is what I try in detail in Netbeans for setting up the Remote Server:
1. Choose Tools -> Servers in the menu bar
2. Click on "Add Server..." button
3. Choose "Glassfish Server 3" in the opening dialog
4. Click on "next" button
5. Choose the local installation location of the local Glassfish 3.0.1 installation (for me: "/Applications/NetBeans/glassfish-3.0.1")
6. Click on "next" button
7. Choose radio button "Register Remote Domain"
8. Enter the remote hostname: (i.e,
9. Enter the corresponding admin port (i.e. 4848)
10. now click on "finish" button

After this I can see the following in my Server list for the Server I just added:
- Location : ""
- Domain Folder : ""
- Domain Name : ""
- Checkboxes set: "Preserver Sessions Across Redeployment" (editable checkbox) + "Enable JDBC Driver Deployment" (non editable checkbox), all other checkboxes are disabled and not set

As you see both Domain Folder and Domain Name is empty.
Furthermore I cannot change any of Location, Domain Folder or Domain Name settings anymore (==> non editable fields).

Now I should actually be able to connect to the server, start it, stop it, etc.
What I do to test this:

11. Go to the "Services" tab on the left sinde of Netbeans IDE
12. Open the "Servers" list (as I see my remote Glassfish server I just added is listed besides my local Glassfish server)
13. Right-Click on the remote Server:
- Start, Stop, Restart, etc. is disabled ==> I cannot start it from Netbeans
- Refresh is enabled, but doesn't change anything
- Clicking on "View Admin Console" leads to the message: "The server must be running for this actoin to succeed."
- In the properties I cannot change anything (see above)

So what to do now? It seems Netbeans cannot establish any connection to my remote server. Netbeans did not even ask for my admin credentials for the remote server. How should it then be able to connect?

If I choose the remote server I added in my Project settings under "Run" and try to run/deploy my application afterwards I get the following message:

[i]"Deployment error:
Starting of server GlassFish Server 3 (1) is not supported. Please, start the server manually.
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)"

Do you see anything I am doing wrong?
I think this might be an issues for Netbeans on Mac OS...

[Message sent by forum member 'nabizamani']