Re: Global JNDI naming bug?

From: Major Péter <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 19:19:24 +0200

>> Okay, but this also means for me, that I need to add plus logic for
>> testing, because in my testcases the java:global/korok/UserManagerBean
>> is good, while in production it is
>> java:global/korok/korok/UserManagerBean. This is a little non-sense...
> Send email to the JSR-318 expert group :(.

Okay, I will contact them in some way...

>> Why can't I use in my testcases the good old-fashioned java:comp/env
>> style JNDI names?
> It will be another RFE that we'd hope to get to at some point.

Here it is:
