Re: Global JNDI naming bug?

From: Major Péter <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 02:52:07 +0200

Okay, but this also means for me, that I need to add plus logic for
testing, because in my testcases the java:global/korok/UserManagerBean
is good, while in production it is
java:global/korok/korok/UserManagerBean. This is a little non-sense...
Why can't I use in my testcases the good old-fashioned java:comp/env
style JNDI names?


2010-06-19 01:37 keltezéssel, Marina Vatkina írta:
> It's per spec. This is what EJB 3.1 spec lead told me on the same issue
> (and I changed v3.1 to follow the rule): "isn't something we considered
> but it's worth evaluating for the next version of the spec. One of the
> tradeoffs in keeping the portable JNDI name syntax simple in the common
> case was to expose the difference between a stand-alone module and .ear
> packaging to the application. For now, the assumption in the Embeddable
> EJB API is that if there is only a single module it's treated as a
> stand-alone module".
> HTH,
> -marina
> Major Péter wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to use the embedded glassfish server for my maven tests with
>> the following code:
>> Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
>> properties.put(EJBContainer.MODULES, new
>> File("../sch-kp-ejb-impl/target/classes"));
>> properties.put(EJBContainer.APP_NAME, "korok");
>> properties.put("org.glassfish.ejb.embedded.glassfish.installation.root",
>> "/home/user/glassfishv3-emb");
>> EJBContainer ejb = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(properties);
>> When the tests are running I can see in the log files:
>> INFO: Portable JNDI names for EJB UserManagerBean :
>> [java:global/korok/UserManagerBean,
>> java:global/korok/UserManagerBean!]
>> Quote from the EJB 3.1. specs,
>> javax.ejb.embeddable.appName
>> This property specifies an application name for the EJB modules
>> executing within the embeddable container. If specified, the property
>> value applies to the <app-name> portion of the portable global JNDI name
>> syntax. It is recommended that this property be set whenever an
>> embeddable container is executed with more than one ejb module.
>> But when you check 4.4.1:
>> Each portable session bean global JNDI name has the following syntax :
>> java:global[/<app-name>]/<module-name>/<bean-name>[!<fully-quali-
>> fied-interface-name>]
>> <app-name> only applies if the session bean is packaged within an .ear
>> file. It defaults to the base name of the .ear file with no filename
>> extension, unless specified by the application.xml deployment descriptor.
>> <module-name> is the name of the module in which the session bean is
>> packaged. In a stand-alone ejb-jar file or .war file, the <module-name>
>> defaults to the base name of the module with any filename extension
>> removed. In an ear file, the <module-name> defaults to the pathname of
>> the module with any filename extension removed, but with any directory
>> names included. The default <module-name> can be overriden using the
>> module-name element of ejb-jar.xml (for ejb-jar files) or web.xml (for
>> .war files).
>> Okay, so the app-name is optional, but if I supplied explicitly the
>> application name, then why doesn't that appear in the Global JNDI
>> name??? The name of the EJB module is also 'korok', so I would like to
>> see 'java:global/korok/korok/UserManagerBean', but I'm not. What am I
>> missing?
>> Also when I deploy my application to a standalone GF, then the
>> application name is what I supplied in the asadmin --name parameter, but
>> based on 4.4.1 it should had been taken from application.xml or it
>> should be the name of the ear...
>> Regards,
>> Peter
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