Re: Running embedded test with multimodule project

From: Major Péter <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 00:27:03 +0200

> If adding hibernate to your pom's test scope solved your issue, did you
> try adding the hibernate jar containing missing classes
> (org/hibernate/proxy/HibernateProxy) to GlassFish lib dir ?

I'm using this dependency in my pom.xml, which makes hibernate working:

As far as I know the Hibernate installed with the updatetool is the
hibernate-distribution:3.5.0-Final, so no versiondifference between them.
The hibernate3.jar from GF/lib does contain that class, that's why I
don't understand why embedded-glassfish is unable to load this specific
class (or HqlToken when it comes to it).
Note that I'm using this very same jar in standalone mode without any
