Re: Running embedded test with multimodule project

From: Major Péter <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 18:33:20 +0200

Thanks Marina, you helped me a lot with this. After some fooling around
with Maven config, I was able to run tests on my EJB module without
further problems. But now I would like to also test the web-layer, and
here is the tricky part:
in my web-module I'm doing lookups for java:comp/env/UserManagerBean and
so on, but
* since they are not handled by the ejbcontainer these lookups fails,
they also need to use the global naming,
* when it succeed with the lookup by giving the global name I have
various other problems with my TimerService in my bean:
    @Resource(name = "jdbc/__TimerPool")
    private TimerService timerService;

In my logs I can see this:
2010.06.18. 18:26:48 com.sun.ejb.containers.EjbContainerUtilImpl
INFO: Loading EJBTimerService. Please wait.
2010.06.18. 18:26:48 com.sun.ejb.containers.EjbContainerUtilImpl
WARNING: Cannot deploy or load EJBTimerService: required WAR file
(ejb-timer-service-app.war) is not installed

and after that I get:
Caused by:
Exception attempting to inject Env-Prop:
jdbc/__TimerPool_at_Field-Injectable Resource. Class name =
hu.sch.ejb.TimerServiceBean Field
name=timerService_at_java.lang.String_at_jdbc/__TimerPool@@ into class

So what should I do to make my TimerService work? If I throw my
TimerService out and change to use @Schedule, will it work?

Since I have to rewrite my lookups for EJB's, probably using global
naming would be the best idea here, but how could I programmatically get
the application name? Is there an API for that?


2010-06-18 01:34 keltezéssel, Marina Vatkina írta:
> 3.0.1 has a problem with the manifest file (3.1 also had it until
> today). Add 'Bundle-SymbolicName: org.glassfish.embedded.all' to the
> manifest file of the -all.jar.
> Add module-name to the ejb-jar.xml for the ejb module(s) and java:global
> will a) work and b) not depend on the directory name. You can continue
> using java:comp inside your beans, but for the client code only
> java:global is supported.
> HTH,
> -marina