Re: JEE6 Maven Enterprise project

From: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 23:51:04 PDT

> 3) Added dependency to EJB module project for Commons
> Logging (session bean created in step 2 now compiles

As specification says, you can not package jar library in jar (practice says you can). Please, check if Commons Logging was packed in EJB jar (unzip the jar). I am pretty sure, maven did not do that. As you package EJB jar in EAR, the simplest solution is to add Commons Logging to EAR (add dependency and jarModule)

 <bundleDir>folder in EAR you want to place this JAR/</bundleDir>

But, if you want to add this library to EJB jar, use dependency plugin to copy jar file to target/classess before package phase

Marcin Kwapisz
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