Re: Glassfish v3 Profiles

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 08:42:36 +0200

if what you are trying to do is make sure your app doesn't rely in APIs beyond the web profile, then you may have a use-case (and do file an RFE)
but one easy way to address this is to use the web profile glassfish bundle and for everything else I'd let the appserver do it work.

On 27 juin 2010, at 21:54, wrote:

> @Ludovic: Yes, I'm aware of this lazy startup. But since all dependencies are launched automatically, you cannot be fully sure that your app would run in the Web profile.
> @Sahoo: Thanks for clarifying. I'll create an RFE then. BTW, JBoss has something similar, even in version 5.x...
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