Library dependencies in OSGI applications

From: <>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 22:46:54 PDT

I am trying to understand library dependencies in OSGI Web Applications. I have been developing some test applications using Netbeans and Maven to do the bundle + Manifest entries.

Say my web application is dependant on Logback - to deploy the application into Glassfish (felix) I need to have Logback already registered as an OSGI bundle. Fair enough.

Do I also need to have the logback jars in web-inf/lib of the war? Does the glassfish container have independant class loading from the felix runtime? So far it would look like this is the case, but I would be happy to be wrong.

If this is the case - is there any recommended way to deal with dependencies in WABs? It would seem unfortunate that the libraries need to exist in both the OSGI container and the Glassfish container..

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