Call secured _at_Remote EJB from WebClient

From: <>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 16:58:27 PDT

I want to access a secured @Remote EJB running on an Glassfish v2 instance from a WebClient (WAR) running on another Glassfish v3 instance.

When not securing the Remote EJB via file-realm basic username/password authentication, access from the WAR is no problem simply using annotations (@EJB + corba-jndi-name).

But when the EJB is secured - which is pretty usual as also in my case the two applications are running on different machines - then getting access seems to be quite complicated:
- is there a way to provide the username and password a) via annotations or b) deployment descriptors?
- if not, how can one lookup the Remote EJB via InitialContext?! Unfortunately, the FAQ in this respect ( does not says anything on accessing secured EJBs...

Please help, I really become desperate because of that issue...
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