Re: servlet: try ... finally {out.close();} <-bad idea?

From: Hassan Schroeder <>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 13:29:37 -0700

On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Mark Mielke <> wrote:

> However, I don't think this answers the question. It avoids the question
> entirely.

I'd say it "reframes the issue", the *original* question being about serving
a page with a 200 OK header when there's actually been an error, and
there's an open PrintWriter instance.

> There are times when using the PrintWriter yourself makes sense.

I doubt it, but for the sake of discussion ... :-)

> There is always the possibility of an exception being raised. The "try ...
> finally { out.close(); }" seems like a good idea

Of course it is, or at least I can't imagine a reason to leave it open --
but it's *not* going to change the fact that the response has been
committed, and the error in your view code will be ugly and out of
sync with the response header.

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan