Re: EclipseLink - that's a little more information than I needed (in the log..)

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 11:22:52 -0400

> I've got a unique constraint on a couple of columns in a MySQL table
> which is accessed by a JSF/EJB/JPA app. When a user hits the
> constraint I detect the (soft) error and they get a nice little
> message on the screen to advise them on
> the error of their ways. What I'd like to do is to stop the vast
> amounts of output
> written to the server log for obvious reasons, I won't be able to
> spot the real
> problems from the "normal operation" situations. I'm aware of the
> log levels in
> admin console but would appreciate any advice on what exactly needs
> to be
> changed to get this under control.

When I try it, it looks like the same exception is being logged by two
different loggers -- double your fun. Maybe there's some general
property that makes this info less verbose, but you can turn it off by
setting the log level for these to SEVERE in the admin console (don't
forget to click Save after you set them):


Reminder: v3 in admin console, Logger Settings are under Configuration
in the left hand pane.
