glassfish v3 - maxIdleTime option

From: ap <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 14:47:08 +0200

Hello list,

How can glassfish V3 been configured to disconnect/free sessions after a
configureable amount of time.
IMHO there might be an option like in jetty, how could this be configured
in gf v3?
Or - the other question, how is connection management implemented in
glassfish, and the reuse of this?

maxIdleTime Set the maximum Idle time for a connection, which roughly
translates to the Socket.setSoTimeout(int) call, although with NIO
implementations other mechanisms may be used to implement the timeout. The
max idle time is applied: when waiting for a new request to be received on
a connection; when reading the headers and content of a request; when
writing the headers and content of a response. Jetty interprets this value
as the maximum time between some progress being made on the connection. So
if a single byte is read or written, then the timeout (if implemented by
jetty) is reset. However, in many instances, the reading/writing is
delegated to the JVM, and the semantic is more strictly enforced as the
maximum time a single read/write operation can take. Note, that as Jetty
supports writes of memory mapped file buffers, then a write may take many
10s of seconds for large content written to a slow device.

Thanks for your reply in advance.
