Re: deploying to glassfish v3 from ant

From: Ludovic Champenois <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 05:46:29 -0700

On 5/25/10 2:43 AM, shreyasd wrote:
> hi
> howto does eclipse plugin for glassfish deploy to glassfish v3 on
> development environment.?
not via ant, but with cli access via http.
> we have created a ear file using ant script.
> we want to deploy it to glassfish v3 from ant itself.
> how can we do that?
exec external process with asadmin deploy command would work.
> can we somehow call deploy command of glassfish from ant using a batch file
> or something?

> we are currently copying it to autodeployemnt folder of glassfish.
That works well,