web start application client and multiple ear deployments

From: <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 18:42:01 PDT

I am working a large project that intends to deploy multiple subsystems/domains as separate ear files (specifically to facilitate ease of upgrades) into Glassfish v3. We will have a single application client that requires access to all the session beans across the set of deployed ears....

So, when I try and deploy the app client in isolation (i.e. not bundled into the/a ear file), the server complains about the session bean classes that it can't find.

How can the client be deployed without it being bundled inside an ear file, such that it can find/identify the required class files ?

FWIW: We intend to web start the application client, which will be a netbeans RCP

All thoughts/guidance/observations welcome!


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