Re: OBR in Glassfish v3?

From: Rickard Öberg <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 10:34:21 +0800

On 2010-05-21 21.53, Sanjeeb Sahoo wrote:
> If you think having a separate autodeploy directory for your app is
> going make things easier, then that's very easy to setup. I recently
> answered a user's query in this forum with the steps to do it. In fact,
> you can have as many such directories as you like. The steps to do it
> would be to add a simple one line config file. Just browse the forum for
> last one week, you will find the steps to do it.

Thanks, that sounds like a very practical solution! Then I could have
one for my product, and another for plugins to my product. Perfect!

>> Is anyone using this stuff *in production* yet, with these kinds of
>> issues coming up, or is it pilot/development mode only for most people?
> I am not sure if anyone has started to use it in production yet. I know
> some are using it though.

Ok, thanks, good to know.

regards, Rickard